Welcome to our 2024 Principals’ Leadership Institute. At this year’s event, we will have the opportunity for our school leaders to learn together in collaborative sessions that build our collective capacity.
This year’s Principals’ Leadership Institute will be a time for:
Collaboration of instructional leaders
Calibration of deep learning
Teambuilding and mentorships
Radical dreaming for academic success and accelerating student outcomes
We hope you have an incredible time at PLI 2024!
Sign up or log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
Review the key understandings of building Coherence and its alignment to PDSA cycles. Consider the intent/purpose of a PDSA cycle and plan for actions that need to be taken at each stage (Plan, Do, Study, Act). Study Tier 1 and Tier 2 PDSA models to consider ways to schedule cycles across the year.
As District leaders, we recognize the important role all educators play every day to support our students by creating positive school cultures and developing caring relationships to foster their learning and overall wellbeing. There will still be instances when student’s behavior will escalate. Intervention and reactive strategies will be explored with an emphasis on the adults’ role in responding to escalating behavior. In alignment with Pillar 2, PSLF standard 4, SLF standard 4 and TLF standard 2, this session will provide participants with an easy to use, practical process map to develop and plan and procedure for their school.
Susana Ansley-Gutierrez is the proud Administrator of Instruction for the Educational Transformation Office. She has been in Education for 21 years as a teacher, coach, coordinator, school site administrator and District leader dedicated to serving students in Los Angeles.Born and... Read More →