LAUSD Principals' Leadership Institute 2025
Greetings, LAUSD Principals!

Welcome to our 2024 Principals’ Leadership Institute. At this year’s event, we will have the opportunity for our school leaders to learn together in collaborative sessions that build our collective capacity.

This year’s Principals’ Leadership Institute will be a time for:
  • Collaboration of instructional leaders
  • Calibration of deep learning
  • Teambuilding and mentorships
  • Radical dreaming for academic success and accelerating student outcomes

We hope you have an incredible time at PLI 2024!
Venue: ELAC Building E3-431 clear filter
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Thursday, May 8

9:30am PDT

PDSA Cycles - Elementary #12
Thursday May 8, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am PDT
Review the key understandings of building Coherence and its alignment to PDSA cycles. Consider the intent/purpose of a PDSA cycle and plan for actions that need to be taken at each stage (Plan, Do, Study, Act). Study Tier 1 and Tier 2 PDSA models to consider ways to schedule cycles across the year.
avatar for Edith Urzua

Edith Urzua

Regional Director-Principal Supervisor, Region South
Edith Urzua has 27 years working experience in education, all with LAUSD.Her amazing experience with LAUSD started as a High School Student in East Los Angeles at Lincoln High School.In 1993 she walked across the street to Gates EEC and got her fist job as a teacher assistant. Since... Read More →
Thursday May 8, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am PDT
ELAC Building E3-431

10:40am PDT

Cultivating Joy Through the Arts: 13 Thinking Tools
Thursday May 8, 2025 10:40am - 11:30am PDT
Through arts education, students are provided with opportunities to explore and express their emotions, collaborate with others, and develop essential skills such as empathy, communication, and resilience.

Arts education nurtures emotional well-being and fosters a positive learning environment. Additionally, capacitated adults in our progressive approach and arts education will ensure effective student growth and support. In this session we will explore options to connect with arts practices through creative strategies.
avatar for Shana Habel

Shana Habel

K-12 Arts Coordinator, Arts Education Branch
avatar for Sarah Urias

Sarah Urias

Arts Coordinator, K-12, LAUSD
As an Arts Coordinator, the main emphasize is to support Elementary Music Teachers.  My experience in the Arts encompasses over 25 years of educational experience at the Elementary and Secondary levels.
Thursday May 8, 2025 10:40am - 11:30am PDT
ELAC Building E3-431

12:30pm PDT

Using Data Dialogues to Promote Accountability, Goal Setting, and Reflection
Thursday May 8, 2025 12:30pm - 1:20pm PDT
Using Data Dialogues to Promote Accountablity, Goal Setting, and Reflection:
Data dialogues, when done immediately after testing windows close, are an essential way for teachers and instructional leadership teams to thoughtfully and strategically reflect on student progress and their instructional practices. During this session, participants will hear from two elementary school principals who have created a systematic approach to putting data at the center in order to build a culture of accountability and promote coherence and collaboration. This session will emphasize the importance of promoting teacher reflection and goal setting with student data to assist with strategically planning for future instruction to accelerate student achievement.
avatar for Lindsay Burt

Lindsay Burt

Principal, HOOPER EL
avatar for Paula Paulino

Paula Paulino

Principal, ESTRELLA EL
Thursday May 8, 2025 12:30pm - 1:20pm PDT
ELAC Building E3-431

1:50pm PDT

Pathway Completion Clinic: Defining CTE Pathway Completion Standards and Best Practices
Thursday May 8, 2025 1:50pm - 2:40pm PDT
In this interactive session, participants will work together to establish a clear understanding of CTE pathway completion standards and best practices. Through group discussions and activities, we will identify and share common challenges and successes in measuring pathway completion. Participants will commit to communicating these standards and best practices to their teams, ensuring consistency and effectiveness across the district.
This session aligns with LAUSD’s Strategic Plan Pillar 1- Academic Excellence and leadership goals: Creating a shared vision for high expectations and a culture of learning that supports opportunities (Standards 2) and developing a plan and creating a school environment.
avatar for Susan Canjura

Susan Canjura

Director, CTE - Linked Learning
avatar for Esther Dabagyan

Esther Dabagyan

Esther emigrated from Armenia in 1987 and has lived in Los Angeles since then. She received her BA in Comparative Literature and BS in Biology from UC Irvine. She then went on to earn a Masters in Science Education from CSUN. Mrs. Dabagyan is committed to democratically run schools... Read More →
avatar for Stefany Diaz Espana

Stefany Diaz Espana

Dual Enrollment – CTE-Linked Learning Program Supervisor
avatar for Seema Puri

Seema Puri

Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
Thursday May 8, 2025 1:50pm - 2:40pm PDT
ELAC Building E3-431
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