Welcome to our 2024 Principals’ Leadership Institute. At this year’s event, we will have the opportunity for our school leaders to learn together in collaborative sessions that build our collective capacity.
This year’s Principals’ Leadership Institute will be a time for:
Collaboration of instructional leaders
Calibration of deep learning
Teambuilding and mentorships
Radical dreaming for academic success and accelerating student outcomes
We hope you have an incredible time at PLI 2024!
Sign up or log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
Review the key understandings of building Coherence and its alignment to PDSA cycles. Consider the intent/purpose of a PDSA cycle and plan for actions that need to be taken at each stage (Plan, Do, Study, Act). Study Tier 1 and Tier 2 PDSA models to consider ways to schedule cycles across the year.
Spend more time with students, staff and parents instead of writing plans! This session is customized for school leaders of Affiliated Charter schools. Participants will use their school’s approved LCAPs and begin to strategize and plan for the 2025 Mid-Year Update and Annual Update. This session will provide an opportunity for you to give feedback on last year’s LCAP process, learn best practices shared by your colleagues and receive resources that will help your school streamline the LCAP process that is aligned to your TSP responsibilities and simplify information gathering that is required at the school-level to deliver a high-quality LCAP.
Data chats help identify trends and patterns that can inform instructional strategies and interventions. By focusing on concrete data, educators can make more objective decisions about how to support each student's academic growth and address any areas of concern. This workshop will provide attendees with proven strategies on how to leverage and embrace data. Proven best practices will be shared for administrators to conduct safe and comfortable data analysis with staff. Attendees will learn how to utilize Google Docs to organize and keep track of the data. Administrators will walk away with a roadmap on how to facilitate data chats and ensure educators are utilizing data to drive instruction.
This hands-on workshop will provide participants an opportunity to determine how student data and research-based strategies tell a story about the supports that English Learners, students in foster care and students designated as low income are receiving to close equity gaps. The shared guidance and tools are intended to ensure alignment between student needs and TSP strategies. All activities could be used with the Instructional Leadership Teams to promote distributive leadership.
Coordinator, Equitable School Performance Office (ESPO)
As a coordinator of Instructional School Plans, Georgina provides schools support and resources to close the equity gap for ELs, students identified as low-income, and students in foster care. She served as principal for 10 years at Mt. Washington Elementary School.
Coordinator, Equitable School Performance Office (ESPO)
As a Coordinator of Instructional School Plans, Elyse provides schools support and resources to close the equity gap for ELs, students identified as low-income, and students in foster care. She served as principal for 6 years at Cahuenga Elementary School.
Administrator of Instruction, Equitable School Performance Office (ESPO)
As the Administrator of Instruction at the Equitable School Performance Office, Alejandra is leading a team that creates relevant guidance for Principals regarding school-level planning and budgeting to close the equity gaps for English learners, students designated as low income... Read More →
Administrator of Instruction, Equitable School Performance Office (ESPO)
Helen Yu facilitates the writing and monitoring of Targeted Student Population (TSP) plans as Administrator of Instruction in the Equitable School Performance Office. She supports schools based on analysis of student assets and needs to provide differentiated supports and resources... Read More →