Welcome to our 2024 Principals’ Leadership Institute. At this year’s event, we will have the opportunity for our school leaders to learn together in collaborative sessions that build our collective capacity.
This year’s Principals’ Leadership Institute will be a time for:
Collaboration of instructional leaders
Calibration of deep learning
Teambuilding and mentorships
Radical dreaming for academic success and accelerating student outcomes
We hope you have an incredible time at PLI 2024!
Sign up or log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
Review the key understandings of building Coherence and its alignment to PDSA cycles. Consider the intent/purpose of a PDSA cycle and plan for actions that need to be taken at each stage (Plan, Do, Study, Act). Study Tier 1 and Tier 2 PDSA models to consider ways to schedule cycles across the year.
Positive engagement with Families gives you the POWER to move forward with your VISION to improve outcomes for STUDENTS! Learn from your colleagues about ways to build trust with parents and families, clearly communicate your goals and move toward what is best for students. In this session you will hear stories from experienced school leaders about how to engage with families: we will even give you tips on what to DO and what to SAY!
Family and Community Engagement Administrator, Region East
As school leaders, Family Engagement is a key (and often forgotten!) strategy for student success! This is my 2nd year as a Family and Community Engagement Administrator. I was a Principal for 13 years and found that engaging Parents and Families in a variety of ways strengthened... Read More →
Join a panel of experts from Student Body Finance, Real Estate/Facilities, and Risk Management to walk through the process of fundraising and facilities requests as Principals collaborate with LAUSD partners, parent organizations, and booster clubs for the benefit of our students while complying with District policies and procedures.
The Family Academy is a learning community of parents and caregivers that gathers online and in-person to support student academic success and well-being while elevating the whole family through civic engagement and career development. The Family Academy is part of Strategic Plan Pillar 3: Engagement and Collaboration.
While few will disagree that family engagement is important, it is a practice that requires planning, team effort, and data analysis. Staff professional development can increase partnership with families and put actions in place to develop relational trust between families and schools.